What is Self-Dearmouring?

Dearmouring is a technique that originates from shamanism and helps the body's energy to flow freely, to open up spaces that have been shut down and to let go of old energy that don't serve the body anymore.

Dearmouring can be given through touch or through energy work with no physical touch.
The healing session is always on your body's, soul's and mind's terms. You always ask your body and soul for consent to connect with your energy system. When contact has been established, it is your body that's doing the work it's ready for.
Dearmouring is a healing technique where your body de-armour in its own time. You can help your body by holding space for it to open up in new ways.

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Who is it for?

Self-Dearmouring is for anyone who are looking for a new direction in life, who would like to connect to their body, soul & higher self, who would like to embody emotions they have shut down or who would like to transform shame or guilt for instance. It is also for anyone that has pain in their body, who are looking to transform energy or extend their aura & integrity.

It is also for anyone that are curious about themselves and would like to explore their bodies more, get to know themselves on a deeper level or would like to develop their sexuality and find new ways of pleasure.

What does a session look like?

A session is two hours and starts with a conversation to know where you are at and what your intentions with the session is.

I teach you how to use Self-Dearmouring as a unique tool to connection to your body, soul and higher self.
I guide you into your body and life force energy using different techniques depending on your level of experience.
The techniques I use originats from shamanism and helps the body's armour to crackle or fall, stagnant energy to be released and with time allows your life force energy to flow freely.

How has Self-Dearmouring helped me?

By recieving Self-Dearmouring, I have empowered myself over and over again, coming to the realisation that I am my own medicine.

For me, Self-Dearmouring is an everyday tool I use to arrive home into my body, to ground myself and to connect deeper within. It is an everyday tool for me to transform stagnant energy and to keep embarking on my healing journey in my unique way.

It has and is also a tool I use to get to know my body, soul and higher self over and over again.
It is a tool to strip off layers, to show myself to myself and to embody parts that needs to be heard and seen.

Self-Dearmouring helps me to connect to physical parts, emotional parts and soul-parts of myself, that I lost early in life. It has helped me to take back parts of myself that I didn't even knew I had from the start and it is an amazing journey to get to know yourself on such a deep level.

For me, the work with Dearmouring and Self-Dearmouring has (and still is) an incredible journey and I wish all that feel called towards this medicine to discover themselves in their unique way and really feel in your whole self, that
You Are the Medicine!

Would you like to know more?

If you have any questions about me or my offerings, feel free to contact me. As a trauma informed coach,
I know how important it is to feel safe, especially in a state of trying something new or getting to know a new practioner.